Digital Marketing – Strategies for Content Creation | Viral Campaigns | Social Media Advertising

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  • 14 Min Read
  • By Taxmann
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  • Last Updated on 1 May, 2024

DIgital Marketing

Digital Marketing refers to the practice of promoting products, services, or brands through digital channels to reach and engage with a target audience. It encompasses a wide range of tactics and technologies, including:

– Content Marketing: Creating and sharing valuable content to attract and retain a specific audience.

– Social Media Marketing: Using social media platforms like Facebook, X, and Instagram to connect with the audience, build brand awareness, and drive traffic.

– Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Optimizing website content to rank higher in search engine results pages, making it easier for potential customers to find you.

– Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC): Running ads on platforms like Google Ads or Bing Ads, where you pay each time someone clicks on your ad.

– Email Marketing: Sending emails to develop relationships with potential and existing customers while promoting your business.

– Affiliate Marketing: Partnering with individuals or companies to promote your products for a commission.

– Influencer Marketing: Collaborating with influential people in your industry to reach their followers.

– Video Marketing: Using video content to promote your products or services, often distributed through platforms like YouTube or TikTok.

Digital marketing leverages the internet and online-based digital technologies to achieve marketing objectives and is pivotal in today's digital-first world.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Content Marketing
  3. Viral Marketing
  4. Social Media Marketing
  5. Social Media Advertising
Check out Taxmann's An Entrepreneur's Basic Guide To Digital Marketing which is a comprehensive guide for entrepreneurs and students entering digital marketing. It covers digital marketing essentials, practical insights from real-world e-commerce experiences, and forward-thinking strategies, including the role of AI and the Metaverse. This pivotal text simplifies digital marketing complexities, making it accessible and actionable for those looking to enhance their online presence and innovate within the digital landscape.

1. Introduction

Digital Marketing is a vast field, encompassing different platforms, tools, techniques, etc. Innovation in the digital space is at an all time high, bringing new opportunities for businesses. It can be broadly classified as the following, in order to understand the basic approach to Digital Marketing.

Taxmann's An Entrepreneur's Basic Guide To Digital Marketing

2. Content Marketing

Content is an integral part of marketing. It has the power to make a brand successful, or lead to its downfall. Hence it is important to build a strong strategy for content creation and distribution.

Content Marketing is that aspect of marketing which involves creation of and distribution of useful online content in the form of blogs, videos, social media posts, newsletters, emails, etc. to generate interest in the brand, its products and services, etc. and attract and retain relevant customers.

Content marketing is part of every type and form of digital marketing. Content is the backbone of digital media, hence a content strategy is omni present in all types of digital marketing, whether paid or organic.

With the right strategy, businesses can make content ‘sticky’, i.e. marketing term for content that engages the viewer and generates enough interest to share the content further, thereby amplifying reach of the content organically.

It is important to regularly keep updating and optimising the content and content strategy to continue staying relevant and gain maximum returns on the time, effort and money invested.

Copywriting: The act or occupation of writing persuasive text for marketing and promotional purposes is called ‘Copywriting’. The copywriter, who is a professional writer of marketing and promotional content, must write the ‘copy’ or the content in a manner to convince the viewer to take certain action as per the Call-to-Action of the content. All text within traditional and digital marketing such as newspaper ads, television and radio commercial taglines, social media or blog posts, social media ad content, etc. is written by a Copywriter. Thus copywriting and content marketing go hand in hand. While content marketing decides the strategy and defines the purpose of each promotional message, copywriting is the part where that content is strategically written.

2.1 Content Strategy

Planning, producing, publishing and regularly managing content are part of creating a content strategy. Different types of content can be created for various purposes-content strategy helps define what content should be created for which purpose.

Content strategies will be different for different brands. The following must be kept in mind while deciding the content strategy:

  1. Goal to be achieved.
  2. Audience to be targeted and their behaviour online.
  3. Type of content popular among competitors and trends famous among target audience.
  4. Type and format of content and suitable platform, keeping goals in mind.
  5. Content calendar for publishing and monitoring content.
  6. Regular updates based on latest trends.

Types of Content

2.2 Importance of Content Marketing

The importance of content marketing can be emphasized in the following ways:

  1. Brand Awareness and Credibility: As content consumption increases, good quality content has a higher chance of being shared. Brands can strategise content of their campaigns to align with trending topics, provide value to the viewers, and inform regarding the various benefits of the brand and its offerings. Such shareable content increases brand and product awareness and also generates demand in the market. Additionally, it also improves social media presence. Strong brand presence and word of mouth about the brand improves credibility.
  2. Audience Retention: Content which adds value to the audience’s time and/or knowledge, and/or is relatable tends to hold the audience’s attention for longer, and in turn be highly engaging. For example, many beauty brands share video tutorials on their Facebook/Instagram accounts about skincare, which adds value to the viewer’s knowledge. The viewer may be inclined to follow the brand for more such content, thereby bringing the viewer back. Some brands also implicitly promote their product by showing usage of the product in the video. Thus, strategic content targeted to the audiences’ needs, desires and interests can help attract and retain an audience, and engage people meaningfully, creating brand loyalty. Moreover, increasing number of paid ads are shown to users nowadays, making them annoying. Organic content is always preferred by viewers.
  3. Industry Authority: With higher brand awareness, organic and valuable content can help build trust with prospective and existing customers. Content helps establish the brand’s expertise in the industry. Active content sharing can also create a brand image of a prompt and active brand. It helps distinguish the brand in the market from its competitors. Content that addresses concerns of the customers is also helpful in boosting satisfaction.
  4. Increased Lead Generation: Educative content about the brand and products induces potential customers to take informed decisions about making purchases with the brand. They may be interested in knowing more and enquiring regarding products or services and become high quality leads.
    For people who are looking for a solution for their problems, content can be created in the form of targeted keywords on the website for search engine optimization, hashtags on social media or blog posts. Accordingly, people can reach out and enquire with the business.
  5. Rank Better in Search Results: Detailed content on the website and social media handles covering popular search queries related to the business’s niche helps improve the page rank of the business on different search engines, giving the brand more visibility. Higher page rank builds more credibility than sponsored ads.
  6. Can Cost Less and Give Good ROI: Creating content in-house can reduce the costs of content creation, and posting content on social media and blogs involves no cost, making content marketing a cost-effective marketing strategy. Given its several benefits, a small investment in creating high quality content will go a long way in strengthening the brand presence.
    Since it is important for supplementing other marketing strategies, and brings more credibility than paid ads, Content Marketing cannot be ignored.

3. Viral Marketing

Viral Marketing is a marketing strategy which relies on generating interest among the audience so that they spread word of mouth information about the brand and its offerings organically, thereby compounding the reach and impact of the content marketing strategy. It is called ‘Viral’ marketing because it works in the same manner a virus spreads through the human body. Content is considered viral when it spreads far beyond the original target audience. Content which is relatable, informative or humorous, and generally tends to resonate with the audience’s interests has potential to be shared further with their friends, followers, their online group chats, etc.

3.1 How to Create Viral Content

  1. Knowing the Audience: In order to create content that would resonate with the viewer so much that they would be inclined to share it further, it is important to understand the tastes and preferences of the viewers. Surveys, A/B Testing, analysing old data can help conduct such analysis.
    Metrics such as CTR, View Through Rate, keyword search volume, Engagement Quality Score, etc. can be used to analyse which type of content works with which audience, or which type of content works better in which placement, etc.
    Focus heavily on Content Marketing in order to create content that is relatable, informative, humorous, etc. and has potential to go viral.
  2. Industry Analysis: In order to evaluate what the target audience is showing interest towards, it is also a good idea to conduct a competitor analysis of the content that is going viral in the industry. Such a study of viral content can also be used as inspiration for creating content. Additionally, there are many social media ‘trends’ which are popular among social media influencers. These trends can also be used as inspiration, or brands can collaborate with influencers to create ‘trends’ together. “Trend Jacking” is the process of imitating content that is currently viral. This is also an easy way to gain exposure.
  3. Define the Goal: There can be several goals that a brand can achieve with viral content- building visibility and awareness, building hype for a new product or service launch, growing customer base, etc. Therefore the goal of the campaign is important to be defined in order to create content accordingly, along with metrics that will be monitored to evaluate performance.
  4. Understand the Platforms and Placements Available: Different formats of content tend to perform better on certain platforms and placements. For example video content is increasingly generating more engagement in Instagram Reels placement. Therefore an understanding of various platforms, and what type of content performs well in which placement is important to create content that is appealing and easily shareable, as per the goal of the campaign.
  5. Create Hashtags: Hashtags are gaining increasing popularity on social media nowadays. A hashtag is a word or phrase preceded by the hash (#) symbol, and is spelt without spaces, symbols or punctuation. Hashtags are used within posts on social media. They draw attention and act as a way of summarising the topics of the post, thereby making it easier for viewers to discover the brand’s content when they search for the topic using the hashtag.
    Using hashtags on Instagram, for example, increases visibility across Instagram search. If a user clicks on the hashtag, they are taken to a page which contains other posts which have used the same hashtag. Therefore using hashtags allows visibility across the platform to relevant audiences.

3.2 Ways to Discover Relevant Hashtags

  1. Search for trending hashtags through the Search or Explore pages on different platforms. For example, in Twitter, there is a ‘Trending’ tab in the ‘Explore’ section with list of trending topics and hashtags. Similarly, posts on the Instagram ‘Explore’ page which are relevant to the business can be checked for the hashtags used in their descriptions, or keywords can be searched under the ‘Tags’ section.
  2. Posts of influencers in the relevant niche of the business can also be checked for hashtags. These influencers create viral content, and hence hashtags used by them gain popularity. Following these influencers and their content can help discover popular hashtags in the niche.
  3. The hashtag autocomplete feature on various platforms provides suggestions of popular hashtags, based on the incomplete keyword typed in. It also shows the hashtags shown by accounts followed by the business on that platform.
  4. Social Listening Tools, or softwares which monitor and analyse social media conversations, which can be especially useful for businesses to understand the kind of conversations their target audiences engage in. These tools also help manage multiple social media platforms in one place and manage all Direct Messages and relevant keywords. They use mentions, comments, feedbacks, direct conversations, etc. to monitor and analyse such data. These tools thus can be used to analyse what hashtags are being used in the industry and are being associated with the business’s name.

4. Social Media Marketing

There are over 5 billion internet users globally, and close to 4.8 billion social media users. (

The proportion of social media users is increasing rapidly, indicating that businesses can find more and more of their target customers online via social media. Social media is also popular for setting trends, as it allows content to be shared and go viral among people showing interest. Thus it has potential to influence buying decisions.

Social Media Marketing is the usage of various social media to promote products and services. Social media allows businesses to build connections, engage and interact with potential and existing customers, drive traffic to the website and thus proves to be one of the leading platforms for digital marketing. Platforms like Meta (earlier Facebook), Google, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. can be used for sharing content about the business and its products, connecting with audiences through polls, messages, posts, etc. and for running paid ads.

Many homegrown businesses are also setting up and establishing themselves via social media. For example, an increasing number of Direct to Customer (D2C) brands are setting up Instagram and Facebook pages wherein interested customers can message to place orders.

Analytics can also be used on social media to study consumer behaviour – it allows tracking of the consumer journey and can indicate their general interests based on web activity. Such deep insights help build a detailed understanding of the business’s customers which help in finding new ones and curating content based on their interests. It also helps businesses to track the success of their campaigns and identify new avenues.

Given the power social media has, it’s like a double-edged sword which also brings risks. As there is heavy sharing of information, businesses must maintain caution while sharing content. Miscommunication or misunderstanding can tarnish the image of the brand and become detrimental to the business’s sales. It can even generate negative feedback and word of mouth, and therefore must be strategised very carefully.

4.1 Metrics

Based on the goals of the marketing campaign, there are various metrics which can be established, benchmarked and tracked to evaluate efficiency of the campaigns. Some of the metrics set can be summarised in Table:

Table 5: Metrics for Evaluation of Different Campaign Goals

Brand Awareness Search volumes, Website Traffic Volume growth
Reach Number of people reached, impressions, cost per 1000 impressions (CPM), Frequency
Website/App Traffic Landing page views, bounce rate, average session duration, app installs, referrals
Engagement Likes, shares, comments, page follows, click-through- rate, video views, event signups, response rate
Lead Generation Form registrations, messages, cost per lead
Website Sales add to carts, cost per cart, add payment information, sales, sale value, cost per sale, conversion rate

Social Media Marketing contains various other forms of marketing within itself, such as Social Media Advertising, Viral Marketing, Influencer Marketing, Performance Marketing, etc. These are discussed in detail separately.

4.2 Platforms

There is a multitude of different social media platforms available globally, as well as regionally in different countries. Some of the most popular ones used by businesses for advertising nowadays include:

  • Meta: Meta, formerly known as Facebook, is among the most popular and commonly used social media platforms of the world. It is one of the platforms with the top five monthly average users (MAU), making it an attractive option for businesses. As per Statista, the average age group on the platform is individuals between the age of 25 and 35. It is also commonly used by Gen X. Content popularly shared is more visual such as images and videos, but also includes text posts. It is a good platform for businesses to create brand awareness, connect and engage with their audiences. However, there is now heavy competition among businesses to advertise on Meta, hence the cost of advertising on this platform is gradually increasing year on year.
  • Instagram: Instagram, another visual platform more centred towards images and videos and very little text, is owned by Meta Platforms. This platform also comes within the top five platforms with the highest monthly average users. Users share content in various graphic forms and formats, and it is a great place for businesses to establish their brands, in addition to engaging with their audience. The average audience on instagram is comparatively younger than Meta’s, between 18 to 27. Since it is not a text-heavy platform, it doesn’t allow links to be shared in posts and even hides the text content after a few lines. However, it does provide other tools which allow adding tags, links, mentions, hashtags, etc. which can be used. Features like Instagram Reels has a very wide reach and is a good option for businesses to spread awareness about the business and its offerings, along with features like Instagram Live which allows businesses to host real time interactions with viewers. It can also be used together with Meta, as content can be shared across the two platforms.
  • Youtube: Youtube is a video sharing platform owned by Google. Again, another platform among the highest average monthly users, it is also used as a type of search engine. It is a platform commonly used by people of all age groups, but the average age group is within their mid 20s. It is great for creating engaging video content and tutorials to create brand awareness and credibility. Youtube content should also be optimised for greater visibility through Youtube SEO. Ads can also be shown before and in between Youtube videos, hence allowing businesses to reach relevant audiences based on their video content consumption interests.
  • WhatsApp: Among the most common messaging apps are WhatsApp and WeChat. Although initially both were launched as messaging apps, their scope has now been broadened to include tools allowing businesses to promote on these platforms.
    WhatsApp is now widely used by businesses to directly contact their customers, both existing and prospective. WhatsApp for Business is a tool on the platform allowing businesses to share automated texts for customer support and transaction updates. Businesses can also create and promote their catalog online.
  • Reddit: Reddit is a social network which fosters communities with similar interests. A popular feature of Reddit is the ‘upvoting’ feature, in which content in the form of text information, images, videos, clips etc. are shared by users and upvoted or down voted by other users. The average age group of the audience on this platform is within their 20s. Communities, called ‘subreddits’, on Reddit can comprise of users interested in any broad or niche topics. Thus businesses can find the relevant subreddits in their niche and find creative ways of promoting to the relevant audience. Such forums can also be used for research to understand the likes and dislikes of the business’s target audience.
  • X, formerly known as Twitter: X is a platform popular for sharing content around news, information, entertainment, sports, politics, etc. It’s highlight is the focus on ‘trending’ content, which gives users real-time updates of topics which are ‘trending’ currently. The average age group on the platform ranges between 25 and 45, with interests inclined towards current affairs in any field. The popular term ‘tweet’ comes from this platform, referring to the content posted by users. It allows easy sharing of tweets, links, and other content, and thus businesses can use it for sharing industry information and building authority, brand visibility among relevant trending topics, as a method of addressing issues of the customers, etc.
  • Snapchat: Snapchat is a platform which originally popularised the vertical image and video content format which is shared exclusively between friends. With its AR ‘filters’, it is popular among younger audience, especially teenagers, for sharing real-time pictures and videos with friends. Users can also share content which is visible for 24 hours post sharing. Businesses can create and push relevant AR filters as a unique way to engage with audiences, and create brand and product awareness. Geotagging can also be used to promote events.
  • TikTok: Although banned in India over political concerns with China in 2020, globally TikTok is one of the most popular short-form video sharing apps which grew drastically during the Covid pandemic when content, and specifically video content, consumption increased multifold. The platform is mainly popular for creation and sharing of trending short vertical-orientation videos using transitions, sound effects, collaborating options, filters, etc. Similar to Snapchat, the average age group on Tiktok is much younger compared to other platforms, namely between 10 to 30 years. Content is generally focused around entertainment and is great for collaborating with influencers for creating tutorials, UGC review videos, Do-It-Yourself tutorials, etc., to increase brand awareness and engagement. Paid ads also assist in giving great returns to businesses on the platform, if the marketing strategy is implemented well.
  • LinkedIn: LinkedIn is primarily a social networking site for professionals, which means the average age group falls between 20 and 35. Earlier a job search site, it is now a platform wherein individuals and businesses can network. Hence it is a suitable platform for driving B2B business, brand awareness and brand connections. Since it is a more intellectually- driven professional platform, businesses can promote their content and establish industry expertise, partner with influencers, promote ads on direct messages to relevant audiences, etc.
  • Pinterest: Pinterest is a lifestyle-centered image sharing social media platform, popular among users for searching for ideas, inspiration, products, etc. It allows photos to link to websites and specific product pages, users can “pin” photos they are interested in, and there is also a shopping feature hence making it an extremely attractive platform to promote and drive high intent audience to the website or social media, blogs, etc. based on the goal of the campaign. Users on the platform are on an average between 18 and 35, and are commonly interested in topics with an element of aesthetic beauty such as fashion, beauty, home decor, lifestyle, etc. and even food and food recipes. Businesses in any of these niches must explore the platform’s features and audience for its promotion.

Apart from the above platforms, there are many more platforms such as Tumblr, Telegram, Sina Weibo, QQ, Line, Quora, etc. which are popular globally, as well as in specific regions of the world. Businesses must study different social media platforms of their target locations, especially when considering global business opportunities.

5. Social Media Advertising

While building a strong social media presence by regular content sharing and engagement activities is important, it may not be enough to build a large follower base, and get sufficient visibility. With growing competition, organic reach is becoming difficult for businesses to achieve. Hence promoting social media content as well as running paid ads in front of social media audience can be a powerful tool to increase visibility, bring traffic on the social media handles of the business as well as the website, and even get direct and indirect sales through ads. Many goals can be achieved through Social Media Ads.

Popular social media for running ads are Meta (including Instagram), Youtube, Google, TikTok (now banned in India), Snapchat, etc. Platforms like Meta Ads Manager, Google Adwords, etc. are used to run ads on the respective platforms. They use a bidding system for determining the ad to be shown in different placements, and the cost of the same, and provide analytics for better optimisation of performance. They provide various campaign types, bid strategies, targeting options, campaign goals, ad creative enhancement options, promotional overlays, along with AI-automated features to optimise the campaigns and deliver to the most relevant audience to fulfill campaign goals.

Certain campaigns charge advertisers on CPMs, while others on clicks. Leads, percentage video viewed, app install, etc. costs across different platforms and placements can vary depending upon target audience size, ad format, bid strategy, time of the day/month/and year (peak season, sale season and times of huge marketplace offers can affect costs on different platforms). These costs can vary from brand to brand.

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